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Top Hidden Object Game Series

Értékeld ezt a cikket Ever since this genre first originated, there have been a few hidden object series that have stood head and shoulders above the rest and have pumped out some amazing games for the players to enjoy. Rejtett feladatú játékok - Top Hidden Object Game Series

Ever since this genre first originated, there have been a few hidden object series that have stood head and shoulders above the rest and have pumped out some amazing games for the players to enjoy. In this object we’ll be talking about some of the hidden object game series that we think are the absolute best.

Mystery Case Files

The Mystery Case Files series is without a doubt one of the oldest, if not the oldest hidden object series out there. Mystery Case Files releases pioneered the hidden object genre and carved the path for future games to come. These games, as the name implies, are full of compelling and mysterious plots, addictive gameplay and some really high quality visuals.

Dark Parables

The Dark Parables games are excellent because they explore territory that other hidden object releases haven’t tried out before. These games feature some really dark plots that get players hooked from the very first second. The visuals of these games are also very unique as players are often taken into dark and creepy game worlds where anything can go wrong at any minute which leads to an atmosphere full of suspense and intensity.

Hidden Expedition

The Hidden Expedition games are definitely some of the most unique out there because they have settings that no other series has ever offered. Almost all hidden expedition games take you on epic adventures around the world in search of strange items that have insane powers like time travelling relics. These games also have some of the most crisp visuals out there and feature gameplay that can get anyone addicted.

Haunted Hotel

You could pretty much tell by the name what these games are all about. In every Haunted Hotel game you get to investigate a hotel that’s been deemed haunted by the locals. These games are full of thrill and can give pretty much anyone the chills with the suspense filled vibe that they bring to the table. One rather peculiar thing about these games is that they try to deliver players the classic gameplay experience instead of adapting to modern times but this is great as it allows players to experience the kind of gameplay that made this genre popular in the first place.

Danse Macabre

Most of the Danse Macabre games are highly addictive because their plot revolves around some really complex and confusing murders that can confuse pretty much anyone at first sight. They feature some of the most well thought out plots out there and alongside that they also offer players the modern gameplay experience and some extremely good looking visuals to back everything up.


Phantasmat games are basically the perfect examples of what a properly executed modern day hidden object game should be like because they have the full package. They feature expertly crafted gameplay, delightfully creepy visuals and plots that can grab onto anyone’s attention from the very first minute.

The aforementioned hidden object game series are those that we think are the absolute best and we definitely recommend trying any of their games out whenever you have the opportunity.

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