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इस लेख का मूल्यांकन करे बहुत सारे विकल्प उपलब्ध हैं आपके लिए जब आप दोषरहित छिपे हुए वस्तुओं का खेल खोजतें है, हमारे पास है फेसबुक पर सबसे लोकप्रिय खेलों में से १॰ खेल और उनमें से प्रत्येक का एक संक्षिप्त सारांश आपके आनंद लेने के लिए। Hidden Object Games - Qslcqd fgM+u vkCtsDV xsEl

Hidden object games is hugely popular style of gaming and there is a growing number of them available on Facebook. With so many games it can be a little difficult to choose what to play next, hopefully you may find some inspiration from the games presented below. What follows are 10 of the most popular Hidden Object Games you can find on Facebook and hopefully there will be great game for you here.

The first of the games is called Murder in Provence where you follow the story of Audrey as she looks for her sister in the beautiful region of Provence, France. Using photographs of the area with beautiful artwork for the characters brings you a well presented and fun game to play through. With fun mini games between wonderful photo realistic hidden object windows and flowing story.

Hidden Chronicles takes you to Ramsey Manor to solve a mystery spanning the globe, and the centuries as you play the role of Jillian. Summoned to the Manor by your Uncle Geoffrey you find yourself embroiled in a plot and you must solve puzzles and find all the clues in amazingly detailed Hidden Object Windows. As well as earning puzzle pieces and items for your very own manor.

Mirrors of Albion transports you to a world where fantasy and reality merge. Set in Victorian London with a twist of Alice in Wonderland you join the London Mirror Police to find a kidnapped child. Your guide is Cheshire Jr a cat police officer who helps you in your investigation, along the way you will discover your favorite characters from Alice in Wonderland presented in a slightly new and interesting way. As you travel you will capture criminals, solve mysteries and save Mirror London.

Midsomer Murders based on the popular television crime drama takes you to rural England and the county of Midsomer. Becoming a detective you will be asked to solve cases and earn keys to open the next case for you to investigate. Between the hidden object games you also have some spot the difference games, adding a new dimension to the standard format. Another great addition is the ability for you to create your very own hidden object windows for your friends to play through.

Gardens of Time delivers a truly beautiful and awe inspiring experience. Spanning decades of time and working for a top secret organisation created to prevent damage to the past. You will travel the world finding objects and buildings, which you can then add to your special garden of time. By collecting special pieces in the object windows you can decorate your garden with some of the best known and most loved buildings in the world.

Criminal Case drops you into the role of a newly promoted detective for the city of Grimsborough. With over 50 cases for you to investigate each with their own unique object windows you will have a lot to explore. As well as completing the windows you will also get to interrogate suspects and make the arrest from your list of suspects. You will have access to the forensic and fingerprint labs to assist you, and you can get help on cases from your friends.

Take a tour through a luxurious manor and find objects and pieces for your collection in the game Hidden Memory. Set in a beautiful manor house you are given several quests by characters you meet and asked to find specific objects. As you explore you will meet interesting new people, and have to solve some interesting mysteries.

As the glamorous world of Pearl Wallace comes crashing down with the death of her father you are sent off on an amazing journey to a mysterious island in the game Pearls Peril. Traveling with your best friend Iris you uncover and follow a global conspiracy. Leading you to travel the world in a glorious 1930’s setting you will be taken through one of the most amazing hidden object games around, with some real beauty and class to take in on your adventure.

For a faster paced game you can’t find much better than Hidden Express. Amazing photo realistic object windows await, with clues to find and a train to fill with items before it moves off on the next part of its journey. You are in for a wild and gorgeous ride.

And last but not least we find the game Journals Of The Unknown, follow the footsteps of Jane Goodhart as she picks up where her father left off, investigating the spooky and strange stories for her late fathers magazine. By finding clues to the mysterious disappearance of 3 young women in the town of Salem, you are launched into a world of mystery and magic. With your trusty notebook and tape recorder you set off on a mission to find the truth in this wonderfully presented game.

So there you have it, 10 of the most popular Facebook Hidden Object Games. Each of them has a great story to tell, and unique characters to meet on your journey through the games. Every game in the list can be found here on this website simply click play now, and you will take your first steps into magical worlds and amazingly beautiful artwork, all of which await you at the click of a button.

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