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5 Magical Hidden Object Games

Califica este Artículo In this article we will be discussing the theme of Magic in hidden object games, and bring you a selection of our favorites too. Juegos de Objetos Escondidos - 5 Magical Hidden Object Games

The idea of magic is nothing to this genre of games, but in some it takes the center stage, being an integral part of the story and in some cases driving what you do and how you go about finishing the story or scenes.

In some cases this magic can take the form of strange occurrences in the real world, a person vanishing mysteriously and the hunt for them begins, or sometimes these games are set entirely in a place full of magic where nothing is what you expect. And occasionally you get a blend of the two together making something a little special.

The unknown power of magic has been creating tales for generations, and these have also created some pretty powerful and fun bad guys for the stories to. Be they vampires, witches or evil wizards there is a lot of scope for your antagonists. These natural villains help to create a story or bring in a darker twist to what is already a fun mystery.

There are a lot of games that use magic as a theme, but what we have now is a list of some of our favorite games. Many of them are part of a series where you can follow the adventures of a particular character and if that is the case, the whole series is worth playing, but the games we picked out are ones that we really liked.

Opening with Queen’s Tales: The Beast and the Nightingale we have a game that takes one of the best known fairy tales and spins it around. Stepping into the imagination of a child as they are told a story you become Cinderella, sent to the beasts castle for a wrongdoing you commited and an evil witch will stop you at any cost.

Mirrors of Albion takes you to victorian London, where steam power rules and the rich elite dominate the city, but where the magic happens is that it is seen as if London were part of Wonderland, as you investigate the dissapearance of young Alice, with the aid of your cheshire cat police partner and the Mad Hatter Informant. With a mix of steampunk and magic this game is really brilliant fun.

With a new twist Dark Parables: Ballad of Rapunzel takes this much loved story and places you in the magical kingdom of Floralia where you have to figure out what is causing people to fall asleep and try to save them all. Exploring the world you discover some interesting differences and a thrilling story.

With Shrouded Tales: The Spellbound Land you become a powerful wizard in your own right, joining an organization sworn to protect a land where almost anyone can cast spells and has some form of magic. When this is abused and a plot to destroy everything you know is hatched, can you stop them in time?

Journals Of The Unknown starts in the town of Salem as you become an investigitive reporter for a magazine specializing in the occult. From there your travels begin and you see the world you think you know differently, and full of strange and dark creatures and things that you must put a stop to.

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